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Copyright©2006 Nanotube2006
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NT06: Seventh International Conference
on the Science and Application of Nanotubes |
Hotel Metropolitan Nagano
(Nagano, Japan)
June 18 - 23, 2006 |
Japanese Site:
MSU Mirror Site:
The future: The home page of the upcoming NT'07 conference in Brazil can be found at
With over 600 participating scientists from 33 countries, NT06 is the
largest nanotube conference ever
(click on photo for full-size image).
Keynote Speakers:
Invited Speakers:
Tsuneya Ando
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Ken Atkinson
(CSIRO, Australia)
Alberto Bianco
(CNRS Strasbourg, France)
Eleanor E.B. Campbell
(Gothenburg University, Sweden)
Rodrigo B. Capaz
(University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Vincent Castranova
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, USA)
Liming Dai
(University of Dayton, USA)
Achim Hartschuh
(University of Munich, Germany)
Junji Haruyama
(Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan)
Kenji Hata
(AIST / Research Center for Advanced Carbon Materials, Japan)
Ado Jorio
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Ernesto Joselevich
(Weizmann Institute, Israel)
Yoshikazu Nakayama
(Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Christian Schönenberger
(Basel University, Switzerland)
Michael S. Strano
(University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, USA)
Introduction to Bio-Impact:
Contributed Speakers:
Sivaram Arepalli
Toshiaki Enoki
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Andrea C. Ferrari
(University of Cambridge, U.K.)
Martti Kaempgen
(MPI Stuttgart, Germany)
Shigeo Maruyama
(University of Tokyo, Japan)
Katsuyuki Murata
(Olympus Corporation, Japan)
Riichiro Saito
(Tohoku University, Japan)
Shuang Zhang
(Peking University, China, and University of Tokyo, Japan)
Introduction to Contributed Sessions:
International Advisory Board:
- Kim Bolton
- Mildred Dresselhaus
- Tony Heinz
- Jisoon Ihm
- Philippe Lambin
- Steven G. Louie
- Jesper Nygård
- Marcos Pimenta
- Maurizio Prato
- Humberto Terrones
- Masako Yudasaka
Nanotubes belong to a class of materials which owing to their quasi
one-dimensional structure exhibit a variety of fascinating properties and
offer a diversity of issues for research of both fundamental and practical
interest. This meeting will bring leading scientists in the area of nanotube
science together to evaluate past and define future trends of this exciting
field. The conference will address progress at the frontiers of fundamental
as well as applied research and will allow participants to exchange ideas
and results of their latest work in an informal atmosphere.
Topics receiving special attention include:
- Mechanical properties of nanotubes and composite materials
- Electronic and optical properties
- Progress in nanotube synthesis and purification
- Chemical modification and tailoring of nanotube properties
- Applications
Format of the Conference: