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Copyright©2006 Nanotube2006
All rights reserved.
NT06: Seventh International Conference
on the
Science and Application of Nanotubes |
Hotel Metropolitan Nagano
(Nagano, Japan)
June 18 - 23, 2006 |
Japanese Site:
MSU Mirror Site:
Virtual NT06 Conference
With all NT06 abstracts now on-line and searchable at,
there is no need to wait for the real event to start scientific
NT06 On-Line Discussion Forum
- To facilitate discussion, each submitted abstract has been
assigned a thread in the on-line discussion forum at
That means -- you can post comments and ask questions about each
contribution. You may enjoy especially the SEARCH FUNCTION
and different display formats.
- The Forum has been arranged by the sorting categories, and has
additional sub-fora for "Travel", "Accommodation", and "General
- Experience the value of performing a scientific discussion not
one-on-one, in person or by email, but sharing your ideas/concerns
with the community. This is valuable even if you are unable to
attend the conference.
- In case you forgot your password, you can request it by clicking
on "Password reminder" at
Your user name is your first name, followed by a space, then your
last name, using the same case (uppercase/lowercase) you used to enter
this information. (Your user name is also used in your abstract,
in case you no longer remember.)
NT06 Contributed Talks
- In the NT06 program (
you will find 8 open slots for 20+5 minute-long contributed talks.
- The 8 speakers will be selected from the contributions submitted
to NT06 ("poster contributions"). The speakers have not been
selected yet; we wish to select the "hottest"/"most popular" topics/
contributions for oral presentations.
- What is hot/popular? In this selection, we will be guided by
what happens in the NT06 ON-LINE DISCUSSION FORUM -- please use
it. Topics/contributions enjoying lots of discussion or involved
in a controversy are more likely to be selected for oral
contributions. (Of course, the oral presentation will accompany,
not replace, the poster presentation).
- We intend to make our
selection of contributed talks about 10
days before the conference and will alert the presenters by