Click for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Weather Forecast

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
June 22 , 2007

RIST Site:
MSU Mirror Site:

Latest News

17 May 2007:
A grant from INMETRO allows us to waive the registration fee.

24 May 2007:
Additional information on local transportation has been posted at the Location/Directions page.

11 June 2007:
On-line version of the symposium program linked to the program page.

How to dress for CCTN07 and NT07?

Remember that June is a Winter month on the southern hemisphere.

In Rio de Janeiro, the venue of CCTN07, expect a pleasant temperature close to 25-30oC during the day and 15-20oC during the night.

Ouro Preto, the venue of NT07, is colder, but not as cold as Winter in Europe, U.S., Japan or Korea. During the day, the temperature will be around 15oC, and at night it can drop to 5oC, never below freezing. The weather in Ouro Preto will remind you of Autumn weather in cold Northern countries. Please dress accordingly and do not forget to take comfortable walking shoes along.