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First symposium on
Transition metal
chalcogenide nanostructures
Rathen, Germany
March 18-21, 2007
TMCN07 Symposium Venue
The TMCN07 Symposium Venue is the
Hotel "Amselgrundschlösschen",
in the heart of the picturesque landscape of Saxonian Switzerland
in Rathen, Germany. It is a 30 minute S-Bahn train ride from Dresden.
Travel Directions
- By train from Dresden Airport:
Take S2 from the airport direction Pirna
(dep. time 16:16 every 30 min., 19:16 every 60 min.),
at the station Dresden-Neustadt change to S1 (platform No. 6)
direction Schoena. After about 40 minutes you arrive in Rathen.
The distance between the railway station in Rathen to the hotel is
about 500 m – see the
You have to cross the Elbe river with a ferry.
- By train from Dresden main station (Hauptbahnhof):
Take S1 (platform No. 18) direction Schoena
(dep. Time 16:00 every 30 min. 20:00 every 60 min.),
after about 30 minutes you arrive in Rathen.
Kurort Rathen
- By car:
Take the Autobahn A17 direction Prag. At the junction Pirna, leave the A17.
Take the B172a direction Pirna and follow the direction Lohmen/Bastei.
When you have passed the junction to the Bastei (1) and passed through
Rathewalde (2) follow the way to Rathen as shown on the
(Rathen is normally closed for cars, but you can go by car directly to the hotel –
there are parking spaces.