NT07 NT07
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NT07: Eighth International Conference on
the Science and Application of Nanotubes
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
June 24-29, 2007

Brazilian Home Page:    http://www.nt07.org/
MSU Mirror Site:    http://nanotube.msu.edu/nt07/

NT07 Poster information

  • The posters will be grouped in sessions.

  • Poster sizes at NT07: Up to 180 cm high, 90 cm wide.

  • Please mount your poster the first they of the conference. All the posters will be mounted touring the five days of conference, so that you have enough time to see everything.

  • Each poster session will be preceded by a 30-minute "executive summary" of contributions presented, given by leading experts in nanotube research. These presentations will help everyone get a better feeling for
    • Where is the nanotube field now?
    • What has been the most recent progress?
    • What is holding up further progress?