Statutes of the Steering Committee of Nanotube Conferences (SCNC)
1. The primary mission of the Steering Committee of Nanotube
Conferences (SCNC) is to secure the continuity of the conference
2. All SCNC decisions, including those about the SCNC membership
and the person filling the position of the SCNC
Chair or Co-Chairs, are reached by a majority of votes of its members.
3. The primary responsibilities of the SCNC
Chair or Co-Chairs are to
3.1. represent the SCNC and its decisions;
3.2. initiate, collect and communicate votes within the SCNC;
3.3. decide the most proper way to collect votes, including email
and private communication;
3.4. initiate and organize the selection of venue and organizers of
future NT conferences.
4. The SCNC decisions are binding for the organizers and
participants of Nanotube conferences
for non-financial matters.
5. SCNC members decide in particular about
5.1. the organizers, the location and the dates of future Nanotube
5.2. the composition of the Advisory Board of a given
Nanotube conference;
5.3. changes in the Charter of the Nanotube Conference series;
5.4. matters of interest to Nanotube conferences other than the
conference program.
6. The responsibilities of the SCNC are decoupled from those of the
Organizers of a given conference, who decide organizational details,
and those of the Advisory Board of a given nanotube conference, who
select invited and contributed oral presentations.
7. The SCNC is the highest instance resolving disputes and
addressing complaints related to the organization of Nanotube
8. The SCNC carries no financial or legal responsibility for the
Nanotube Conferences.
9. Every SCNC member can raise at any time an issue related to the
Nanotube conferences. It is the responsibility of the SCNC
Chair or Co-Chairs to take the vote and communicate the decision to
all members on an adequate timescale.
10. SCNC membership is regulated as follows.
10.1. Members are elected for the period of 4 years.
10.2. Membership may be renewed by majority vote of the members.
10.3. Partial changes in the SCNC membership may be introduced every year.
10.4. NT conference organizers, who are also SCNC members,
may not participate in any decisions of the SCNC regarding
that conference.
11. The Chair or Co-Chairs
of the SCNC are elected for the period of 4 years. Chair status
may be renewed by the majority vote of the members.
12. SCNC members, who have not attended the NT conference for
2 consecutive years, may be voted out of the SCNC by the majority vote
of its members.
13. These statutes can only be modified by a majority vote of its
(Status: August 2013)