O strukture ugleroda, obrazujucegosja pri termiceskom razlozenii okisi
ugleroda na zeleznom kontakte
(About the structure of carbon formed by thermal decomposition
of carbon monoxide on iron substrate)
L.V. Radushkevich and V.M. Lukyanovich: O strukture ugleroda, obrazujucegosja pri termiceskom razlozenii okisi ugleroda na zeleznom kontakte (About the structure of carbon formed by thermal decomposition of carbon monoxide on iron substrate), Zurn. Fisic. Chim. 26, 88-95 (1952).
Open access version, provided by author
http://jsmallsystems.org/hss/2006/4 (CitationLink)
The first electron microscopy observation of tubular carbon
nanostructures formed by CO decomposition on iron substrate (in
Russian; figures suggest multi-wall filaments with a 50 nm diameter).